Inspiration Behind
the Development of NANOLYS®

Ochi from T. Hasegawa Technical Research Institute.
Encounter with Liposomes
My name is Ochi from T. Hasegawa Technical Research Institute. I was born in Tokyo and graduated from an agricultural university before joining T.Hasegawa. Since childhood, I have had sensitive skin, so it was normal for me to experience “pain” from irritated skin. One day during my fourth year of university, after I had already secured a job, my sister told me, “Your face is in such bad shape that you should put something on it if you’re going to work,” and she recommended that I start using lotion and moisturizer. That was my first encounter with skincare. After that, I tried many skincare products and found that I preferred lotions that weren’t sticky, and that products containing liposomes were less irritating and suited my skin. As I continued using these products, the pain gradually subsided, and I realized, “So this is what it means for your skin to ‘settle down’!” This experience made me a fan of liposomes.

Developping Liposomes at Home and Words from My Wife
Around that time, homemade cosmetics became popular, and various ingredients were available online. Some of these included hydrogenated lecithin, a raw material for liposomes, and I thought, “Maybe I can make a low-irritation liposome lotion myself.” I began spending my weekends experimenting with creating liposome lotions, and eventually, through a series of breakthroughs, I developed the precursor to what is now known as NANOLYS®, a preliposome and liposome lotion. As I used it myself, I noticed my skin improving rapidly, and I began to think, “This lotion could help not just me but many others who suffer from skin issues.” However, with the birth of my first child, I had to put my hobby of making cosmetics on hold. Although I hoped to resume this hobby one day, parenting proved to be overwhelmingly busy, and I realized that I might never have the time to continue my life’s work of creating cosmetics. So, I discussed it with my wife.“I want to make liposome development my job. I’m considering going independent, but first, I’d like to consult with the company that has nurtured me. What do you think?” My wife encouraged me, saying, “I’ve always wondered why you haven’t talked to the company. What you’re doing should eventually be shared with the world. You should definitely consult with them first.”

Toward Commercialization
With determination, I approached the company, and thanks to the support of my supervisor at the time, I was able to present my idea to a group of members from the relevant departments the very next day. However, I soon came to find there were many challenges. Although I believed wholeheartedly in my product, the company could not give the green light unless its existence could be scientifically confirmed. Many in the research institute voiced their doubts, and I began to lose confidence, wondering if what I had thought was a liposome might not be one after all. It was during this time that the head of the research institute instructed me, “You should confirm it with an electron microscope. Find a place where you can have it checked, and do it.” This was a significant step forward. Ultimately, I was able to get electron microscope images taken at a certain facility, and they confirmed the existence of what I had developed. The joy I felt at that moment was unforgettable. It was the moment when what I had been pursuing was proven to be a reality beyond the conventional understanding of the industry. I was transferred to the Fragrance Institute in 2016 and currently continue my research on liposomes at the Technical Research Institute. The brand message “Innovative Nano Solution for Sensitive Skin” is a fusion of my vision and T.Hasegawa commitment. I believe it beautifully expresses our desire to “deliver” this preliposome to everyone suffering from sensitive skin. I will continue to advance the research on NANOLYS® so that one day it will be synonymous with liposomes.