Message to ESG Investors
Global climate change and natural disasters have brought a wide range of social challenges, including poverty, starvation, and increasing income disparity between people all over the world. In fact, these issues that the world faces are so complex and diverse that they are difficult to resolve only through the conventional frameworks represented by national governments and corporations.
Under these circumstances, the entire world is accelerating initiatives for the realization of a decarbonized society. Our Group is no exception. We regard the climate change issue as an important challenge. To further promote actions for climate change as a company listed on the prime market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, we declared support for the Task Force on Climate- related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) in March 2022. In August 2022, we disclosed the “Climate change risk analysis of the T. Hasegawa Group,” which lists climate change risks and business opportunities, to help investors make appropriate investment decisions. Going forward, we will actively work on climate change issues and countermeasures.
The ratio of the Group’s overseas sales is rising year after year under its management policy to strengthen global development. We started to consider working on biodiversity initiatives in consideration of stable procurement of flavor and fragrance raw materials derived from natural resources, with a view to disclosure based on the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD).
In addition, it is necessary to hire and develop human resources who can flexibly respond to changes, regardless of race, nationality, gender, religion, disability, or other attributes, and to increase human capital to resolve various issues faced by the world amid daily changes in the external environment. We respect human rights and diversity and aim to create a comfortable workplace for employees.
Our Group’s vision is to contribute to the creation of an enriched society through flavors and fragrances. We aim to achieve sustainable growth and improve corporate value while creating new added-value through innovation and resolving social issues using flavor and fragrance technologies, thereby endeavoring to realize the vision.
President & COO
Kenji Hasegawa